Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Surprising start to the NFL season

The old saying goes, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."  This is never more true than in the arena of professional sports where the winning formula is the same for every team.  Every year produces a few surprises yet, has a feeling of "sameness" as we discover that it really always comes down to the team/athlete that executes at the highest level at the most important moments.  That being said, it is always fun to welcome new comers into the competitive mix.  This year there are several notable surprises on the NFL landscape.  Particularly the Detroit Lions, San Francisco 49ers, and the Buffalo Bills.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The Buffalo Bills.

Do any of these three have a chance at winning a Super Bowl?  Absolutely not.  They aren't ready.  They aren't tested.  We aren't sure how they will respond when they face the genuine adversity that is most assuredly heading their way like a freight train bearing down on it's next destination.  I'm sure that sentiment will not be shared by the euphoric fans in any of the aforementioned locales.  It shouldn't be.  They should be filled with the hope that the glimmer of success that they have witnessed will turn into the raging bonfire of Super Bowl celebration.  (Detroit, please do not take the bonfire comment seriously.  It is not necessary to burn down your city to let the rest of the world know that you are happy your team won.)  But, there are some problems with that outlook.

New England (yes, I know Buffalo beat them but, does anyone really believe that Buffalo is a better team?)

Green Bay  (Aaron Rodgers is a freak.  I have frequently confessed my man crush on Brett Favre who I believe is one of the greatest football players ever.  Unequaled in toughness and sheer passion for the game, Brett's record for consecutive starts may never be broken.  He made it fun to watch football for those that weren't even true fans.  He could go from the spectacular to the dumbfounding in the same series of downs.  There has never been anyone like Brett Favre.  But, Aaron Rodgers is a BETTER quarterback when he is on the field.  He can make all the same throws only more accurately.  He is infinitely more mobile and he doesn't hurt you with stupid attempts to make something out of nothing.  He is playing at a ridiculously high level and seems to be able to direct the offense to whatever heights are necessary to win.)

New Orleans ( Does anybody really want to be ahead in a game against New Orleans and watch Drew Brees take the field with 2:30 left on the clock?)
There are more that could be listed here but these are the big three.  These guys know how to win late in the season.  They know how to overcome adversity.  In essence, they know themselves.

We should still be excited about the newcomers.  Detroit has had an aggressive, effective  defense for awhile.  This year they have Matthew Stafford, healthy and a little more seasoned.  Megatron is finally living up to all the potential we all knew was always there.  At times, he looks like a man against boys in the secondary dwarfing the dbacks assigned with shutting him down.  They are a for real 10 or 11 win team.  Just good enough for second place in the division and a probably wild card spot in the playoffs.  There, unfortunately, is where it will end.

San Francisco has been a real surprise and a testament to the importance of effective team leadership (coaching) in the NFL.  With essentially the same pieces, and a disregarded QB, Jim Harbaugh has his team believing they can win.  Even though I have hated SF ever since they cost my beloved Packers an opportunity for a third consecutive Super Bowl (actually it was the zebras.  One of the worst no fumble calls ever and the very reason we have instant replay today),  I have to admit that I am completely surprised that Alex Smith has somehow recovered from the catastrophic blow to his ego to become a winning QB with the same franchise that disowned him and not-so-secretly wished they had drafted Rodgers instead.  They could, maybe even should, win the NFL worst NFC west.  And then it will end.

Then there is Buffalo.  Really?  Much has been made of Ryan Fitzpatrick's Ivy League smarts but, how smart can he be?  He plays in Buffalo.  I am still not a believer.  I am required to hate them.  They have knocked me out of a Suicide Pool that I enter annually twice.  Once when they lost at home to a woeful Browns team 6-3...yes, I said 6-3.  I was dreadfully sick and had to watch my hopes for victory be dashed on the back of what may have been the most poorly played game ever.  Then this year for the first week I picked KC at home.  We all know how that turned out.  So am I surprised?  Disgustingly so.  Am I a believer?  Decidedly not.  I think they will finish 8-8 and sit at home around the fireplace watching the others in the playoffs.

Yes it has been a surprising start.  The end, however, will be eerily familiar.  Green Bay dismissing the AFC powerhouse du Jour in the Super Bowl.  It's a dynasty in the making.  Nuff said

Election 2012 in 2011

I can't even begin to blog without touching on the upcoming (13 mos away) presidential election.  Let me say first that I am a lifetime republican voter.  I believe in the Free Market Economy and smaller, more focused government.  It would be great if we could apply the principles of the Free Market to our government.  As it stands, our government, in its current state of operation, is a prime example of why we have laws prohibiting monopolies.  If our government was subject to the Free Market Economy, it is a virtual certainty that some group or party would rise up with a better, more efficient operating plan.  We have created a system in which the primary focus of our elected officials is the effort to get reelected.  We have conditioned society to believe that genuine change can be embraced without effort and pain.  These factors alone guarantee business as usual.  But, I digress.  More on this later.

Back to the election.  I have one question for the Grand Old Party.  Could you possible find a stable of candidates that are less inspiring than these?  OMG!  I have never been less enthused for an upcoming election than this one.  At least last time we had the Sarah Palin storyline to keep it interesting.  Will republicans ever realize that, in this day of media controlled emotions, they need a candidate who looks and sounds good in front of the camera.  Obama won the last election because he was an effective speaker who looked, and sounded presidential.  He was the consumate example of style over substance.  Completely unproven with no track record to speak of and yet, able to capture the hearts of america because he continually delivered eloquent messages to the masses.  The republican candidates look and sound as if they are auditioning for a sitcom.  Surely there has to be a candidate somewhere that they have been grooming for this moment.  One who knows how to deliver on the public stage.  One that can both stir the masses and sound intelligent under the barrage of media inquisition.  PLEASE tell me there is!

If you find such a candidate, let me know.  I would love to meet him/her